Small Business Confidential
40+ year business owner, Mike Reilly, shares the dirty secrets of owning your own small business.
Small Business Confidential
Are You Making Time To 'Think'. I Bet You Aren't.
Mike Reilly
Episode 15
In this episode Mike and Mike challenge you to actually make time to Think each week. This is not 'Daydreaming' but actual hard thinking. A minimum of one hour. Two hours are best. Keep track on your calendar and you'll realize how little time you spend 'thinking' about what you are doing.
6:04 Mike Reilly talks about the good thing and the bad thing of having your own business.
10:39 Mike Reilly discusses one of the problems with figuring out whether you're making a profit
15:18 Mike Reilly speaks about controlling your expenses.
22:45 Mike Reilly talks about constantly challenging yourself in a loving and respectful way.